Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A deep commitment from a church lacking depth

As of this morning (maybe it happened yesterday--Ben probably knows), our church officially has a new senior pastor. I, for one, am pretty excited.

After just one weekend, very few in the church know much about him, but we all know this: He's going to be a 180-degree difference from our previous pastor. That pastor was the gentle, shepherding type who knew just about everyone's name--a significant achievement in a church of at least 1,000--visited everyone in the hospital and told neat little parables in mellow sermons. Our new pastor is a fireball--preaches sermons like he's been sneaking swigs of Red Bull beforehand, mentioned hell at least three times Sunday morning, pounds on exegesis and systematic, churchwide discipleship.

The rationale for the change in direction was repeated often at our congregational meeting Sunday--we need to go deeper. Many at that meeting acknowledged that they were afraid to do just that, that they were so comfortable with our previous pastor and so intimidated by the new one.

But nearly all of them said they'd trust the wisdom of the church's leaders. If depth was our weak spot, and this was the best way to correct it, they were willing to submit their desires to the will of God's people for the sake of the church.

I was amazed by that show of selflessness--I'm not sure I'd be capable of it if I was in their situation. I know the transition is probably not going to be pretty, but I'm confident God has guided this decision. Interestingly enough, it takes a lot of depth and maturity for a church to recognize that it lacks depth and maturity--and to have the guts to be obedient about working toward it.


Anonymous said...

yes, he is a fireball. and, he goes plenty deep. and, he's not afraid of telling people that they are wrong or are going to hell


Anonymous said...

TRUE DAT! (I think I got that from someone you know)

I pray he is also a leader sensitive to the Holy Spirit and not just a man with a lot of answers.

God may be about to do some amazing things in that group... maybe in a young married couple too ;)

Winks said...

This is off topic, but I wanted to thank you for checking out my site. I see you've linked to me, and I'll do the same when I get the chance today. Thanks for the support!