Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm pretty sure that the last time I was that unproductive, I was wearing diapers.

As you may (or--let's not kid ourselves--may not) have noticed, it's been a long time since I posted. I'm blaming it on Brett Favre. According to ESPN, everything in the world that's happened in the last three weeks has revolved around Brett Favre, so I'm assuming my failure to update my blog must be part of that.

No, really, I was actually on vacation last week in a rental home in southwest Missouri with my wife, my parents, two sisters and brother-in-law and nephew. Here's what you don't need to know, but are going to find out anyway:

--As the title more than implies, very, very little was accomplished by anyone. I did almost finish a book ... but it was the baseball book I wanted to read, while the dense theology book I had to read never left my backpack.

--A ridiculous number of Ticket To Ride games were played, and way too many of them were won by my brother-in-law. On an unrelated note, two cities I never want to visit ... ever: Stockholm and Petrograd. Thanks, Kyle.

--We stayed less than 5 miles from Branson, yet we managed to not see a single show. That's right--we ventured into the land of Yakov, Shoji and the Baldknobbers and missed all of them. Make no mistake: I am very proud of this.

--I'm pretty sure I drove my family nuts with my incessant checking of Brewers (and Cardinals, and Cubs) scores. But the Brewers did not lose the entire time we were on vacation. Yes, the second sentence of this paragraph has rendered the first completely irrelevant.

--On Monday, my first day back, I worked almost 13 hours straight, with no lunch or supper breaks. Welcome back to the real world.

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