Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The ultimate color line is crossed.

Regardless of which guy you voted for, yesterday was a milestone in American social history. Skip Gates, one of America's leading cultural critics, has a beautifully written, moving essay on what Obama's election means for Black America. You should take a look. I'll never truly understand what yesterday meant for Gates, but I think that his piece has given me a pretty good taste.

Say what you will of Obama's politics (and let's be honest, I know that just about all the readers of this blog voted for McCain), but I'm proud to be an American today.


Anonymous said...

I join you in your American pride. A huge wall was torn down this week, a wall that needed to be torn down. It could not have been done in a more public and universally known way. The world saw what happened. I only wish the one tearing it down better reflected my core beliefs. But besides that, I rejoice in the milestone.

Anonymous said...

Was this the same scene as the veggies taking Jericho?