Saturday, April 11, 2009

Way to represent, Larry.

I love Slate as much the next guy, but let's be honest, their operative worldview--East Coast, liberal, urban, secular, upper-middle-class (at least), very culturally hip--is a couple thousand miles from mine.

So it's always a refreshing surprise to see a legitimately Christian viewpoint there, let alone an argument for orthodox Christianity. But that's what I found this morning with a short essay by Larry Hurtado, head of the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh, called "Why Was Jesus crucified?"

It's just a good, simple, something-to-think-about essay outlining some of the historical context of Jesus' death. And Hurtado's right: "Crucifiability" needs to be made a big part of the "historical Jesus" discussion, stat.


James said...

Are you saying you're not culturally-hip?

Mark said...

Nope, I'm not. I'm a few Apple products and Decemberists albums short.