Sunday, July 6, 2008

List of the Fortnight: Favorite Films

It's been a fortnight already, so it's time for another list. This one comes from a tag Ben gave me a month and a half ago. I must obey what he tells me to do, so here goes.

My 10 favorite movies (mostly in the order I thought of them)

Lord Of The Rings trilogy--Taken together, it's a pretty incredible 10 hours or so of film. At least for our generation, it's the gold standard of what an epic film should be.

Saving Private Ryan--This was the first "grown-up" movie I saw (at least once I got to the age where I could somewhat appreciate them), and I remember it blowing me away. I don't know that I've seen it all the way through in almost a decade, but it still holds that place for me.

The Blues Brothers--This movie is as much a part of our house as loud arguments over games at holidays. It's also my favorite musical.

This Is Spinal Tap--I guess this counts as my second-favorite musical. (Wow...Spinal Tap a musical? I think my brain just exploded.) I haven't seen many comedies in the past few years that are just as funny the 10th time you watch them, but this is one.

Disney's Robin Hood--Maybe not the best Disney movie ever made--OK, yes, the best Disney movie ever made--but for some reason it just resonated with us kids more than any other. I still remember when I was in second grade, when all four of us had chicken pox and we lined up our sleeping bags on the living room floor, watching, rewinding and re-watching it about four times a day for an entire week. And we never got sick of it. I bet Mom did, though.

Magnolia--Ever since Mike introduced me to this movie, it's been my favorite pondering-the-meaning-of-life film. I can't say I'd recommend it to just anyone--I almost walked out the first time I watched it because of the language--but it's one of the richest movies in thought and themes that I've ever seen.

All The President's Men--A love of this movie is a requirement for entrance into the Secret Society of Journalists, but it's actually a thrilling, entertaining movie, even if you have no idea who Woodward and Bernstein are. (In which case, shame on you!)

Austin Powers--Only the first one. No redeeming value whatsoever, but it's just so dang quotable, and it still makes me laugh.

School Of Rock--The movie Jack Black was born to star in. I'm not so sure I like him much anymore, but he gave that movie more life and joy than I've seen an almost any other.

Cool Runnings--John Candy and Jamaicans. How could you not love this movie? Oh wait ...

Don't worry, I won't tag anyone. Your suffering ends here.


Ben said...

I prefer to make people suffer.

If you ever need ideas for your netflix. Consult this list:

After you get to the end, there are MORE lists. I wonder if they have a list ranking their lists?

JWHerrin said...

Favre to the Bears!